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How to effectively negotiate any salary you want, anytime, anywhere!

In this post

I’ll show you how to effectively negotiate salary in a job interview.

First things first, this is about having a higher standard for yourself.

If you’re at the stage of the interview where salary is being discussed you need to get this right.

There’s a reason ‘how to negotiate salary’ is searched by twenty eight thousand people each month on Google. It’s because it matters, you matter, and it makes a difference to spend the time and get it right.

That’s why it’s about having a higher standard for yourself and thinking from the perspective of what you want to happen.

Much of the ‘negotiation’ element of the salary negotiation actually comes down to your own mindset and your self-worth.

If you knew that the value you are putting out is worth $1 million per year, you wouldn’t have any issues asking for that amount and the way you would communicate it in terms of your energy, presence and language would indicate this.

Similarly, if you didn’t feel worth of a $1m a year pay check and were just winging it, your composure in terms of your body language would be different, you’d shuffle in your seat, become more tense, sweat more profusely, your frequency would be off, it wouldn’t match your words of a 1-million-dollar a year earner and the flow of communication would also signal this.

What matters

When you match the frequency of what you want and you believe you can have it, that’s the sweet spot. Negotiations are more effortless and streamlined because there’s no mismatch between how you feel about yourself and what you are proposing.

We must be aware of how we feel, it’s an incredibly important element of the negotiation, what we believe we are worth, our standard and what we communicate through our thoughts, feelings and actions when we have ‘the chat’ are critical to be aware of.

Therefore, spend some time today thinking from the perspective of what you want to happen in your life.

Where do you see yourself going? How would you really like to live? How does this person show up in the world? Are you selling yourself short? Counting yourself out before the process has even started? Get clear on who you are and where you are going.

Confidence is key and that starts from having a mental image of the person you want to be and lifestyle you want.

People get tripped up because they are looking at the salary negotiation from the wrong perspective, i.e. how much can I get away with, how much should I ask for, what’s the most I could feasibly get? This is actually coming from a place of lack rather than abundance.

The way to switch this energetic pattern is focus more on what you can give, where you can add value and the types of value you can add. Which critical projects you can be involved in?

You have to operate from a place of possibility and abundance, rather than lack and limitation. In salary negotiations, it can seem as if this is your one chance to get them over a barrel and really make the employer pay.

What it’s about

It’s more about collaboration, creation and building something fantastic together. When you can link what they want with what you want and fuse these ideas together it’s where the magic happens. You want there to be synergy, alignment and that comes from being paid what you are worth.

That’s truly it. You will get what you are worth. Therefore, you need to be able to effectively communicate what you are worth without letting any types of lack mentality money blockers get in the way.

Dedicate some time to thinking about what you want to earn, what the current market is paying for what you have to offer and what feels good.

Once you have alignment between WHAT YOU WANT— — — THE MARKET RATE— — —WHAT FEEL’S GOOD, you can come up with a number.

You’ve got to be real, if you want a $1m but you’re asking for it in the wrong place e.g. a McDonalds server role, that can’t feasibly pay you this amount, you aren’t going to get it no matter how much you believe you are worth $1m.

Unless you can find a way to add an incredible amount of value as a McDonalds server e.g. bring in $100m worth of sales.

You have to go to the right place and match the frequency of what you want with the opportunity. Let’s say you’ve got the right opportunity in front of you. This company is paying $1m in exchange for (x) value brought to the table.

When you operate from a place of abundance and you recognise your own greatness you are more primed for success so when you are asked the question, ‘how much are you looking for’, you are ready for it.

Always proceed by giving a range. This shows you are open and flexible.

Give numbers that you would be happy with. Don’t start the range from your desired salary at the top. Remember the goal is to be in alignment and get the figure you want to be paid. This is not about trying to rip the new employer off, it’s about an exchange of value.

The real deal

You are always going to provide more value than you are being paid anyhow because you are top performer. This is how you want the balance to always be and if you do this, you will go up and up and up like a rocket.

Present the information, you’ve got to know your worth and what you bring to the company. Be ready to articulate and justify why you are worth this figure. You need to feel in harmony with it.

It’s easy. Give specific examples.

The key here is to keep your emotions in check. You aren’t desperate nor lacking. This is not your only opportunity. You are worthy of receiving all that you desire. You don’t need this figure to come from them but you are worth this figure so you will get it if not from them.

There are plenty of opportunities available for you and many of them are knocking on your door even if you don’t see them yet, they are there, in abundance. Life is a mind game. It’s all about awareness or ignorance.

You must operate with a positive mental attitude at all times, not just when things are going well. In fact, top performers are able to operate with an even better attitude when things aren’t going right, and this is exactly what makes them top performers.

When you are in these types of conversations it can be confronting to justify why you deserve a certain amount.

Remember this is an exchange, you don’t want to accept an offer that’s below your worth and undermine your self-confidence. This is about respect and alignment.

What’s more, just think how much better you’ll be operating if you haven’t agreed with something below your standard and out of integrity. You are doing yourself a favour by sticking to your principles. Like anything you must know what you want and what you will and won’t accept.

Like with dating when you date someone and you can see that they have a different standard or values to you, it’s frustrating and overtime you can’t stand them. You don’t accept it into your life and it’s the same with pay below your value.

Give yourself a gift and stand up for your worth in this conversation.

As well as being prepared to give examples, you want to make sure they know you’ve done your homework. Present current market rates, due diligence and previous compensation if you need to. The point can be made that you are prepared and informed, not just trying to blag a big jump up in pay.

When you do this, it shows integrity, it shows commitment and professionalism. This increases the trust. It’s also attractive.

Someone who knows their own self-worth and is willing to stand up for it, stands for something and this is super attractive.

When you think about it, that’s what the employer wants too, they want someone who confidently believes that they can handle the tasks and responsibilities of the position and can lean into it.

· Know your worth

· Present a range, skewed slightly above your desired salary

· Have a mindset of abundance rather than lack

· Do your homework

· Be open, lead with integrity and respect yourself.

· It’s a value exchange

Effective negotiation comes from being clear, upfront and owning it.

Don’t Panic

If the company anchors to a specific package, don’t panic! Anchoring is very common in salary negotiations and pay rises. Anchoring looks like, we typically pay $$$ for this role, or historically we provide a 5% pay rise at your level and tenure, or we’d like to offer you $$$$.

These are anchors, they prime you to think in a certain way, they set the parameters, if you’re not aware of them. In your case you are so you can navigate these easily by bringing the conversation back to the opportunity, the value you are creating together and standing firm in your belief you are worth your desired amount.

Confidence and boldness is alluring. It can be nerve wracking, but if you’ve got alignment on the figure you want you’ll find its actually empowering. As you experience rejections in negotiations, and become more comfortable with responding rather than reacting to the information being presented, you’ll find your mind becomes your secret champion.

As you calmly and confidently present your worth.

You got this! I believe it you. I know you have what it takes to be an excellent negotiator and to stand for something you believe in.

If you found value in this, please share this article with someone you know who’s going through the job salary negotiation right now or looking for a job, help them become more.

Learn more grab a copy of Bestseller The Art of Negotiation by Tim Castle

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