Tim is an Advisor to start-ups on the Blue Chilli HeathTech Program in Singapore, The Stockland Accelerator in Australia and Mentor to She Starts Accelerator for Female entrepreneurs.
Tim is also Head of Sales for an innovative mobile technology business across the Asia region.
Tim works with clients across a range of topics including Self-Belief, Mindset, High Performance, Sales, Negotiation, and Leadership.


Tim is bestselling author of two books, The Art of Negotiation and Be The Lion. Tim focuses on the non-fiction self-help category as it is where he believes he can have the most impact on helping others achieve their dreams.
Tim's work is based on real-life experience, mentorship from world class leaders and often includes a practical element for the reader. His books are designed to get you to take action and transform your life.
Personal Life
Tim donates 10% of all profits to helping children in poverty in Asia. Tim is also an active supporter of the Special Olympics in Singapore.
Tim was born in Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom and currently lives with his wife and baby son in Singapore. He is loving every minute of it. is where Tim will share his thoughts, findings and ideas on how to create MORE opportunities, MORE possibility and LIVE life to its fullest everyday.
It is his hope that it will help you to experience fulfilled way of living and that you will kick more ass as a result. When Tim started this journey he came from a place of filled with mediocre habits that naturally led to achieving mediocre results in comparison to what I was capable of achieving. This was a big realisation.
In this pursuit of uncovering what makes higher performers different from the rest Tim was determined to change his own patterns of behaviour that were holding him back from maximising my full potential and living large and in charge.
If you can relate and you are feeling stuck right now, or facing seemingly insurmountable challenges one after the other then let this be proof that it is possible to change the pattern, to break the mould and to build a life that supports your greatest vision.
It takes a firm commitment and consistent daily action but it can and will happen for you, if you go all in, and do the work.
Through his blog and Be The Lion Tim will show you how to overcome big challenges, and make it happen. Together we will bring the vision of your best life, to life, and ditch the destructive patterns to see you flourish.
This is a site for anyone who is looking to open closed doors, and move towards living to their FULLEST POTENTIAL.
Lets do this!
Tim is a bestselling author, success coach and speaker. It is his goal to help others achieve their greatest ambitions.
It all started in 2013, Tim was in search of something more meaningful, something real, he wanted to add value to the world and to use his talents to help others however he wasn't quite sure where to turn.
After a lot of support from world-class mentors, friends, and family he was able to unlock a path towards a bigger vision which has taken him around the world, working for some of the worlds biggest companies, coaching people from all walks of life and allowed him to see what is truly possible when you do the work and believe.
Tim felt like he was called, and started to take a deep interest in self-development, high performance coaching and leading a more fulfilling life. After 27 years on this planet going through the motions, it was time for change, he had awoken a deep desire to discover something more fulfilling, his true purpose.
After reading everything he could get his hands on in the field of personal development (books, podcasts, articles, essays, videos, films) and taking part in some of the best inspirational leaders courses, completing an MBA, and changing his career path Tim slowly began to transform his life.
This lasting change was created by building habits that would support his ambition to lead a more fulfilled life giving back by working with others in the areas of Success coaching, Resilience, Mindset, Persistence, Business Development, Sales, Entrepreneurship and Negotiations.
To do this, it mean Tim had to completely reprioritise his time so he was able to focus his attention deeply on subjects like Philosophy, Self-Development and Leadership and High Performance. Tim began to get seriously disciplined about his life goals and a plan of action started to form. Next, he went about figuring out how he was going to achieve it and put the plan into action.
Once Tim started to see the results of sticking to these rituals on a daily basis and he put everything that he was learning from inspirational leaders like Gabrielle Bernstein, Tony Robbins and Oprah Winfrey into practise he saw that real lasting change was possible with incredible outcomes.
Going through this experience, facing challenges head on and finding a life he could excel in led Tim to develop his own theory for transforming your life so that you too can continually overcome big challenges in the pursuit a more purpose filled life and make it happen. Tim calls this the 4Cs Framework.

The 4Cs is made up of 4 key building blocks. Each building block is essential for striving to become all that you are capable of and live to your full potential. Tim writes in detail about this 4Cs Framework and process in his second book Be The Lion: How To Overcome Big Challenges And Make It Happen